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Presenting CDISC ODM data as a web page

This is an example of how parts of the ODM can be published in a dynamic way on an intranet website.
Typically, the user uses a servlet or JSP to select an ODM-XML file (e.g. based on a number of qualifications) from a database. The database can either be an object database (to be preferred) or a classic relational database. The XML is then retrieved by the servlet and through a very simple Java-program converted to a web page.
The style for the presentation is determined by the XSL-stylesheet, which itself is written in XML.

The current example shows how the "User" element from an ODM-XML file (*) that is transformed into a web page.

The applied XSL-stylesheet can be found here.


Full Name Shirley Williams
First Name Shirley
Last Name Williams
Organization CDISC
Location CDISC Headquarters
Full Name John Smith, M.D.
First Name John
Last Name Smith
Organization Roswell Park
Location Roswell Park
Full Name Jane Doe, M.D.
First Name Jane
Last Name Doe
Organization Fred Hutchinson
Location Fred Hutchinson

The stylesheet contains a number of interesting elements:


Presenting the CDISC-ODM as Adobe PDF (much more extensive information)

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XML4Pharma, Katzelbachweg 18, 8052 Thal, Austria